Updated June 25, 2024
House Rules vary by location. Residents will receive updates to their house rules in writing.

General House Rules

  • Be kind, be direct: resolve issues with the people involved

  • If you are feeling sick you must wear a mask and limit your interaction with others in the house

  • No smoking or vaping inside the house

  • Drug use is prohibited 

  • Minimize alcohol consumption in the home, and do not become inebriated around other residents. Store alcohol in your room, not in common areas.

  • No violence or weapons of any kind (explosives and fireworks also forbidden)

  • No pets

  • No excessive noise. Quiet hours (10pm-7am) must be observed.

  • Respect others property. Resident is responsible for the cost of replacement if they lose or damage property of RTR or other residents

Chores and Hygiene

  • Practice proper hygiene (i.e. take showers regularly, brush teeth daily)

  • Clean up after yourself (personal items, dishes, trash)

  • Wash your laundry (including bedsheets) once a week at the time reserved for you. Do not wash during quiet hours

  • Make bed daily

  • Limit time in the shared bathroom. Showers are limited to 10 min

  • Agree to monthly room inspections, or as needed if there is a concern (with 24 hours notice)

Kitchen & Food

  • All dishes must be washed immediately after use, and put away when dry

  • All personal food must be labeled with name and expiration date, and removed when expired

  • Food and eating is allowed only in the kitchen or dining area


  • New visitors must be approved by management

  • Approved visitors are allowed during from 10 AM to 8 PM

  • Visitors are only allowed in the common areas

  • No overnight guests are permitted

Rising Tide is community living.
Our homes and the policies we follow are created to promote success and harmony for our residents, and allow us to expand our impact to help more people. If it is reported by the House Manager or other residents that you are causing conflict or breaking the house rules, you may be asked to leave.