Resources for Residents

You can pay your rent in the following ways:

  • Cash

  • Money Order
    (to Verdant Creative Ventures)

  • Venmo

  • Paypal

  • by Credit Card

  • Direct Deposit

Rent Payments

Housing & Emergency Lodging Program (HELP)

One-time crisis-based financial assistance for homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless individuals who have sustainable income.

Assistance: Rent and deposit

More info

ECHO Housing Assistance

To qualify for application, you must be a family with minor children, a veteran, a mother in her second trimester or later, a person 55 or older, a disabled adult, a domestic violence survivor, or an emancipated youth.

Assistance: Rent and deposit

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Season of Sharing

Provides one-time financial assistance to individuals and families who have emergency needs that cannot be met through other resources. 

Assistance: Rent and deposit

More info

Stay Housed Bay Area

This resource connects people with the help they need to keep their housing, like rental assistance and legal services.
More info

Share a resource!

Many applicants are looking for help with move-in costs or longer term rental assistance. If you know of a program or organization that could help, let us know and we’ll add it to this list.