Resources for Residents
You can pay your rent in the following ways:
Money Order
(to Verdant Creative Ventures)Venmo
by Credit Card
Direct Deposit
Rent Payments
Housing & Emergency Lodging Program (HELP)
One-time crisis-based financial assistance for homeless or at-risk of becoming homeless individuals who have sustainable income.
Assistance: Rent and deposit
ECHO Housing Assistance
To qualify for application, you must be a family with minor children, a veteran, a mother in her second trimester or later, a person 55 or older, a disabled adult, a domestic violence survivor, or an emancipated youth.
Assistance: Rent and deposit
Season of Sharing
Provides one-time financial assistance to individuals and families who have emergency needs that cannot be met through other resources.
Assistance: Rent and deposit
Stay Housed Bay Area
This resource connects people with the help they need to keep their housing, like rental assistance and legal services.
More info
Share a resource!
Many applicants are looking for help with move-in costs or longer term rental assistance. If you know of a program or organization that could help, let us know and we’ll add it to this list.